Lunar Vacation Tickets
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- Mar 20, 2025THU•08:00 PMMar20thu08:00 PM - Lunar VacationTerminal West At King Plow Arts Center, Atlanta, GA●3 Tickets Left!
- Mar 22, 2025SAT•08:00 PMMar22sat08:00 PM - Lunar VacationThe Blue Room - TN, Nashville, TN
- Mar 25, 2025TUE•08:00 PMMar25tue08:00 PM - Lunar VacationLincoln Hall, Chicago, IL
- Mar 26, 2025WED•08:00 PMMar26wed08:00 PM - Lunar Vacation7th Street Entry, Minneapolis, MN
- Mar 28, 2025FRI•08:00 PMMar28fri08:00 PM - Lunar VacationLost Lake Lounge, Denver, CO
- Mar 31, 2025MON•08:30 PMMar31mon08:30 PM - Lunar VacationMadame Lou's, Seattle, WA●2 Tickets Left!
- Apr 2, 2025WED•08:00 PMApr2wed08:00 PM - Lunar VacationPolaris Hall, Portland, OR●4 Tickets Left!
- Apr 4, 2025FRI•09:00 PMApr4fri09:00 PM - Lunar VacationRickshaw Stop, San Francisco, CA
- Apr 5, 2025SAT•08:00 PMApr5sat08:00 PM - Lunar VacationConstellation Room at The Observatory - Santa Ana, Santa Ana, CA●6 Tickets Left!
- Apr 6, 2025SUN•08:00 PMApr6sun08:00 PM - Lunar VacationEchoplex At The Echo, Los Angeles, CA●6 Tickets Left!
- Apr 8, 2025TUE•08:00 PMApr8tue08:00 PM - Lunar VacationVoodoo Room at House of Blues - San Diego, San Diego, CA●6 Tickets Left!
- Apr 10, 2025THU•08:00 PMApr10thu08:00 PM - Lunar VacationThe Rebel Lounge - Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ
- Apr 11, 2025FRI•08:00 PMApr11fri08:00 PM - Lunar VacationLaunchpad, Albuquerque, NM●5 Tickets Left!
- Apr 14, 2025MON•08:00 PMApr14mon08:00 PM - Lunar VacationClub Dada, Dallas, TX
- Apr 15, 2025TUE•08:30 PMApr15tue08:30 PM - Lunar VacationThe Parish, Austin, TX
- Apr 16, 2025WED•08:30 PMApr16wed08:30 PM - Lunar VacationPaper Tiger, San Antonio, TX●2 Tickets Left!
- Apr 17, 2025THU•07:00 PMApr17thu07:00 PM - Lunar VacationWhite Oak Music Hall - Upstairs, Houston, TX●6 Tickets Left!
- Apr 19, 2025SAT•07:00 PMApr19sat07:00 PM - Lunar VacationHandlebar - Pensacola, Pensacola, FL
- Apr 20, 2025SUN•06:30 PMApr20sun06:30 PM - Lunar VacationUnderbelly - FL, Jacksonville, FL●4 Tickets Left!
- Apr 22, 2025TUE•07:00 PMApr22tue07:00 PM - Lunar VacationThe Social - FL, Orlando, FL●4 Tickets Left!
Frequently Asked Questions About Lunar Vacation Tickets and Events
What is the average ticket price for Lunar Vacation events in April 2025?
Our research data shows that the average ticket price for Lunar Vacation events in April 2025 is approximately 136.08.
Which city has the highest average ticket price for Lunar Vacation events in 2025?
Our research data shows that Tampa and Orlando have the highest average ticket price at 280.
How do ticket prices for Lunar Vacation in San Diego compare to those in Dallas for 2025?
Our research data shows that the average ticket price in San Diego is 116.80, while in Dallas, it is significantly higher at 207.11.
What is the lowest average ticket price recorded for Lunar Vacation in 2025?
Our research data shows that the lowest average ticket price recorded for Lunar Vacation is 30.00 in San Francisco.
Is there a significant price variation between cities for Lunar Vacation events in 2025?
Our research data shows there is a significant price variation, with prices ranging from 30.00 in San Francisco to 280.00 in several cities.