Roxane Bruneau Tickets
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- Mar 27, 2025THU•08:00 PMMar27thu08:00 PM - Roxane BruneauCentre culturel Desjardins, Joliette, CA
- Mar 28, 2025FRI•08:00 PMMar28fri08:00 PM - Roxane BruneauCentre culturel Desjardins, Joliette, CA
- Apr 25, 2025FRI•08:00 PMApr25fri08:00 PM - Roxane BruneauTheatre Manuvie, Brossard, CA●29 Tickets Left!
- Oct 17, 2025FRI•08:00 PMOct17fri08:00 PM - Roxane BruneauTheatre Manuvie, Brossard, CA●84 Tickets Left!
Frequently Asked Questions About Roxane Bruneau Tickets and Events
How many albums has Roxane Bruneau released?
Roxane Bruneau has released two albums - "Dysphorie" and "Acrophobie."
Has Roxane Bruneau won any awards for her music?
Yes, she won the "Révélation de l'année" award at the Gala de l'ADISQ in 2018.
What type of music does Roxane Bruneau perform?
Roxane Bruneau's music can be described as a mix of pop, folk, and rock.
What is the seating arrangement like at her concerts?
The seating arrangement varies depending on the venue, but most of her concerts are standing-room only.
How many people typically attend Roxane Bruneau concerts?
The number of attendees varies depending on the venue, but her concerts usually attract a large crowd.
Will there be any special guests performing with Roxane Bruneau?
It depends on the specific concert, but sometimes Roxane Bruneau will bring on special guests to perform with her.
Is there an age limit for attending Roxane Bruneau concerts?
It depends on the specific venue's policies, but typically minors are allowed to attend with a parent or guardian.
Can I bring my camera or recording device to the concert?
It depends on the venue's policies, but typically professional cameras or recording devices are not allowed.
Will merchandise be available for purchase at the concert?
Yes, most likely there will be merchandise available for purchase at the concert.
Are Roxane Bruneau concerts accessible to people with disabilities?
It depends on the specific venue's accessibility features and policies, but many venues are equipped to accommodate people with disabilities.