As a primary and secondary marketplace, ticket prices may be above face value.

Spotlights on a stage
Shen Yun Performing Arts Events Salt Lake City, UT - George S. and Dolores Dore Eccles Theater
  • Mar19wed
    02:00 PM - Shen Yun Performing ArtsGeorge S. and Dolores Dore Eccles Theater, Salt Lake City, UT
    7 Tickets Left!
  • Mar19wed
    07:00 PM - Shen Yun Performing ArtsGeorge S. and Dolores Dore Eccles Theater, Salt Lake City, UT
    15 Tickets Left!
  • Mar20thu
    02:00 PM - Shen Yun Performing ArtsGeorge S. and Dolores Dore Eccles Theater, Salt Lake City, UT
    42 Tickets Left!
  • Mar20thu
    07:00 PM - Shen Yun Performing ArtsGeorge S. and Dolores Dore Eccles Theater, Salt Lake City, UT
    6 Tickets Left!
  • Mar21fri
    07:00 PM - Shen Yun Performing ArtsGeorge S. and Dolores Dore Eccles Theater, Salt Lake City, UT
    39 Tickets Left!
  • Mar22sat
    02:00 PM - Shen Yun Performing ArtsGeorge S. and Dolores Dore Eccles Theater, Salt Lake City, UT
    39 Tickets Left!
  • Mar23sun
    02:00 PM - Shen Yun Performing ArtsGeorge S. and Dolores Dore Eccles Theater, Salt Lake City, UT
    43 Tickets Left!
All Shen Yun Performing Arts Events